Saturday, January 22, 2011

Unit 6 Assignment

The assessment and exercise process is something that is different for everyone.  Each individual will have specific integral needs that they are lacking.  Some may need to work on biological issues while others need to focus on psychospiritual aspects.  It is a good idea to practice a self assessment as often as possible to address the areas of integral health that you should be working on for overall well being. 
When I do a self assessment I discover that there are some aspects of integral health that I need to work on.  These are biological and psychospiritual; I am not taking care of my body and I am blocking God out whenever I become stress.  I am stressed a lot lately because of my course load, work, family and responsibilities.  It is easier for me to shut down and ignore my responsibilities but it ends up hurting my integral health by shutting out important aspects of well being. 
I think I need to remember to pray and ask God for mental clarity.  I need to make my health a priority even when I feel like I have no time for myself.  I need to make time for my health, well being and spiritual guidance.  I can achieve these things by meditating daily and making myself a priority on my list of things to do. 


  1. Hello Kayla,

    I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed reading your blog. You did a wonderful job on the entry and I am glad that you were about to put your thoughts and emotions into the information that you provided. I definitely agree with you that everyone will have a different aspect that they will be lacking during certain times throughout their lives. I believe that it is always important to keep everything trained in our lives such as our bodies, minds, souls, and etc. Because if these are not exercises we become unhealthy and then become more prone to illnesses and diseases. What was some of things that you enjoyed about these two exercises for the unit? What were some of the things that you did not like about the exercises?

    Once again, I enjoyed your post and keep up the great work for the rest of your blogs for the term.

  2. Kayla
    You are right the process is different for everyone,but of course that is the point so that we will know what we need to focus. But also, we have to give ourselves a break, all of this does not happen over night it is a process after all.
    Especially when you have family you have to give yourself that extra time to set aside just to breath!
    Keep your chin up, you are probably doing better than you give yourself credit.
    great blog!

  3. It seems you know what you really want to achieve. Gaining a closer relationship with God can come meditation. I have this to be very good for me during my troubled times. You have a healthy attitude and are achieving what you need physically but you want to work on your spiritually. Just keep practicing the exercises and hopefully this will help to achieve you oneness. I really enjoy all your posts

  4. Dear Kayla:

    I totally agree with you with regards to each person's assessment being structured according to their own wants, needs, habits and lifestyles. As with yourself, there are a few things that I have to change in order to start to achieve my oprimal integral health. I, too need to find time to be in the Lord's Word. Honestly, i know that the answer is in his Word, but I am fighting it. I try to control my own destiny and forget that it is in His hands always. I would appreciate if you would subscribe to my blog, so we can work together to achieve our goals. It seems like we have quite a few things in common and I enjoy reading what you have to say. I feel that I have so many people counting on me and needing my time, that I am falling behind in caring for myself and working on my own development which in turn is making me feel out of control and so overwhelmed. Now is the time,, for me to work on these exercises with an open heart and mind, so I can see if there is help for me.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Yours in health,


  5. Kayla,
    You have a plan for how to fix it and I am proud of you being so honest with yourself. It is not the easiest thing to discuss such personal things about ourselves online. I look forward to hearing about your accomplishments with your own spiritual growthe. Thanks

  6. I agree with you - lifestyles and the paths we are on in life give each of us our own plan to find wellness and inner peace. I also agree that taking care of your body is important, if we do not take care of our body our mind will ultimately suffer and we find ourself unhappy with who we are and unable to leave the slump we are in. Life does have it's curveballs and frustrations but clearing our mind from time to time with the meditation exercises really does help find a focus and move on to the next task at hand!

  7. I do the same thing! Even though I know that when stress hits, God is more needed than ever, I always go into "got to do it all by myself" mode. Of course this just makes things worse. We know to turn it over, but stubborness is not easily broken! I always make time to exercise my body, even when things are tight. There should be no reason not to exercise my spirituality as well. It is comforting to know that we all deal with similar issues.

  8. Great for spotting these issues. I also have a hard time taking care of my body with work, school, a wife, homeownership, etc. I think time management is key to this. Dicipline is also key as getting to the gym or doing a program at home is a must.

    I think the rewards of time management and dicipline are great, but it is also important to keep things in perspective. Even 5 minutes of exercise is better than none. Taking things one step at a time is key.

  9. Kayla,
    It is great that you were able to see the areas that you needed improvement. I too have the same problem when things get tough for me sometimes it seems like God is the first thing that I push aside. I guess that is because I know he will always be there for me even when I have not deserved his love and patience.
    You are absolutely correct you have got to make the time for yourself. I am telling you this because up until the last couple of months I had not done that for years and it has lead to my obesity, weakness, and stress. If you do not take the time for yourself then it affects other areas of your life. You will be surprised if you make even a short time for yourself how much more positive you will be when it comes to your family, work, and school. This will help you to have a clearer mind so when you do your assignments it is easier to focus and do your best. Please start making short periods of time daily for yourself. Good luck and God bless you
