Thursday, December 30, 2010

Journey to Relaxation

So, I never commented on the journey to relaxation and thought I should share my experience.  This is the kind of stuff that I can really relate to.  I am good at following instructions when it comes to mind over matter exercises, but I didn't expect to feel the way I did while doing this relaxation session.  I really could visualize my arteries and veins dilating as I "felt my hands and arms becoming heavier".  The voice was very relaxing also, I liked the above a whisper volume and the calm consistent tone he used.  I have done this journey about three time now and it really does help me when I'm feeling stressed out or overwhelmed with life.  I hope the rest of you had a positive experience and can't wait to try some more relaxation techniques.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Well, Hello everyone!

Wow!  That was a lot of copying and pasting, but I finally subscribed to all of your blogs.  I think this might be fun, but I'm usually not into techy things.  I have been working at the Spokane VA Medical Center as the Secretary to the Chief of Ambulatory Care for about 4 months now.  I was not expecting this job to be so much work, I usually can only complete 2 tasks a day on my "to-do list" because of all of the little tasks that people need my help with.  I am usually a stressed out person, so, I have to really "talk" to myself to calm my nerves.  This is the first job that I've had where I can't finish everything due that day; that really gets to me sometimes.  Then I look around at everyone else and realize that this is common in the VA; everyone is overworked and overtasked.  It's like they hire 1 person and expect them to do 3 people's jobs.  So, that helps me calm down because I am not the only one. 
I have a wonderful husband that I have been married to for 7 years.  He is a correctional officer at the state prison here.  We have two beautiful girls; Ava, 4 and Lucie, 2.  I have a very busy life since my husband works swing shift and we only see each other on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, otherwise I am by my self for the rest of the week.  Feel like a single mom sometimes. 
Well, there is a little background about me and my life.  Can't wait to read all of your posts!