Saturday, January 1, 2011

Unit 3 Blog Assignment

I would rate my physical well being at a 7 because I'm unhappy with the way I am training and my current body image; I think I need to be more lean and want to gain strength.  Some goals that I have are to lose weight so I can train easier and with less injuries.  I think if I keep going to my physical therapy appointments I can fix my back so I can train better and lose weight.
My spiritual well being would have to be at an 8 because I am very in tune with my beliefs and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and God all around almost all of the time.  I feel very connected with what I believe and pray to God for constant counsel and guidance.  My husband and I pray together almost every day and with our girls.  We are very involved in our church community and feel a sense of clarity that we are where we are supposed to be in our spiritual journey together.  Some goals I have in my spiritual well being would be to seek guidance from the Pastor more often.  Ask for assurance and try to trust in God's word.
My psychological well being is very up and down but usually stays at a 6.  I am mostly frustrated with my issue with mind-body disconnect.  I know that my actions are sabotaging me to get to my goals sometimes, yet I don't listen to my common sense thoughts.  I purposefully disregard my thoughts and skip a work out or eat something unhealthy.  I have lack of will power to stay focused on my goals.  My goals in my psychological well being would be to trust in myself and stop sabotaging my goals with negative thoughts.  I think if I don't focus on my failures and accept that things may not always get done as planned then maybe I won't be so hard on myself when I slip up. 
The Crime of the Century relaxation technique was okay.  I didn't enjoy it as much as last weeks, but could see how doing it a couple of times would probably help me get into it more.  I'm not a color person the technique last week where you were visualizing the flow of you blood was a lot easier than visualizing beams of light shining out of me.  I will try it again, but still like the first one better. 


  1. Kayla, sometimes we are harder on ourselves than we would be on others. Maybe give yourself a break, you are doing a lot. I too have a stronger focus on my spirituality than on the other two, but I am getting back into my physical workout. I realize you meed mind and body to work together to be a better whole person, these classes I now have reinforced that concept. I too did not get much from the Crime of the Century relaxation techniques, but maybe too much was going on at my house. I will try again. The breathing techniques were more relaxing. I enjoyed your post.

  2. Hello Kayla,
    It sounds like overall your well being is pretty good. I also would like to be higher in the physical area. This is much higher for me now then it would have been before I started a regular exercise program. Remember even when we skip a workout of mess up and eat something that we should not have that we have not failed. Just pick up from that moment and get back on the wagon to better health and well being. It does not mean that you failed if you mess up once in awhile. I allow myself one meal a week away from home and know that when I go to the gym the next day that I have to work harder. You have to reward yourself for your accomplishments.
    I also have a hard time with keeping up the willpower to stay focused on my goals. Try having someone to ask you daily if you have worked out or what you have eaten. Sometimes having someone to be accountible to is helpful. You may try this and see how it works for you. If nothing else, email me at and we can be held accountable to each other. That would help me stay focused as well. Good luck and do not be too hard on yourself. Change is hard at first until it becomes a habit for us.
    The exercise was hard for me to focus on the colors but I enjoyed the phrases of encouragement throughout the exercise and found the music and speakers voice very calm and relaxing.
    Have a great week and good luck

  3. I like that you are honest about your own faults. I found that in blogging I can be honest with myself. It was really therapuetic. I agree on the light show thing. That did not sit well with me either. I find closing my eyes listening to music more relaxing. I never realized this before but I love John Denver and I always relax to his music. I hope you are able to keep your goals for physical well being, this is the hardest area for me also. I know what needs to be fixed, it is just doing it that is the hard part. Good luck and nice blog

  4. It really sounds like you have your physical and your spirituality wellness under control. The psychological wellness will become better after you keep practicing your relaxation techinques. I agree with the other post that relaxing music can really help with stress. your over all blog was great.

  5. I think that physical therapy is great and when needed almost nothing else can take its place. When the body needs specific exercises to correct muscular issues trying to "let it heal" is often troublesome.

    I think it is great you are pursuing this and I wish you a speedy recovery. Back pain can really get in the way of physical, spiritual, and even psychological progress. I think it is great you are tackling it head on.

    I (knock on wood) do not have any back issues, but I did work in a chiropractic office for many years and have seen what that sort of pain can do to a person.

    I wish you well in your journey of increased health along the physical, spritual and psychological areas of life.

  6. I have to say I'm a little jealous that you feel the Spirit almost all the time! Seems like with all the running around, and school, the family, job, etc... I sometimes don't even stop to listen for Him! I know what I need to do, but wow, its hard. I would give you a recomendation for the back pain - a good chiropractor. I go to one whenever I am feeling a little out of whack and he fixes me right up. Hope you feel better.
