Sunday, January 30, 2011

Unit 7 Practice

This week I haven't made much time for meditating and I can feel that it affects my integral health when I don't.  I have, however, been using different thought processes at different times in my life that I have learned and it is letting me cope a lot better than normal with such things as stress, depression and motivation.  This weeks meditative practice was really enjoyable.  I pictured my grandma who died when I was 15 years old.  The picture became so vivid, I almost felt like she was actually sitting across from me.  It was a nice "visit".  I am making more room in my life for meditating and contemplative practices.  I am going to make a committment to myself this week to meditate for 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night, starting tonight.  I'll reflect on the benefits next week.
I agree a lot with the quote, "One cannot lead another where one has not gone himself."  I don't think that in order to help a drug addict you have to have been one, but if you are giving them tools that you don't use yourself it would be kind of like empty teachings.  The whole reason I wanted to earn a degree in Nutrition Science was because I was having trouble knowing what to eat to be healthy.  I started reading every fad diet book and found some to be really inspirational for various reasons.  I then started sharing the information with my family and friends and realized I loved doing so.  I have read and still read all the latest diets and act like a fellow dieter myself.  I find that researching diets is fun and will help me better understand when my clients come to me with the latest diets in the media.  So, I do believe it is more beneficial to seek help from someone who has been there or someone who knows the proper way and practices it on how to not go there.  If that makes sense.  I believe that developing my integral health will come with time and lots of practice, and I am willing to take as much time as I need.  I now understand and know the benefits that contempaltive and meditative practices can have on your health.  I want to make sure that this becomes a part of my life, because it will make me a better person inside and out.


  1. Hello Kayla,

    I know how you are feeling when you have not practiced any type of meditation for a bit. Now that I know that there is a better me because of taking time to calm my mind and let kindness into everything that I do, I really miss it when I have not done it. I will take these lessons with me on my journey into the future because I see how my health and well being benifits from it greatly.

  2. I agree Kayla, practice is what we need to do to find a way to fit more meditation and "me time" into life. If we can find a way to incoorporate more time to clear our mind we may find that tasks can be completed faster because our mind is clear of the internal distractions that typically slow us down. I am not sure though, it is worth a try!

  3. I like that you have shifted your thinking even when an actual meditation session wasn't met. Truth is we do not always have the time or energy to invest what is neccessary to have a meaningful meditation. But if we can use even the tidbits to improve our mood or emotional state then we have come a long way. Every little bit counts.

  4. Great points and the balance that meditation brings is amazing. I find that working to be in the present moment has some great advantages over living in the past.

    Change is one of the main issues that throws me out of living in the moment as it creates anxiety. Anxiety does keep the mind going and make integral health impossible.

    This weeks exercise does help with this and I thought it was neat that it helped your depression. Remember to walk the walk and keep these exercies at hand to help deal with stress.

  5. Hey Kayla it was a tough week for me as well, and I didnt get much of the meditation practice in as much as I would have liked. I am still in the early stages I havent completely mastered the meditation process but I am practicing and I do notice a differenc, as you said with my thoughts and just my out look on everything around me. I too plan on taking all of our exercises with me, I feel they will come in handy each and every day as I try to make my journey to integral health
